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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Creative Sweater Repair

 These were the holes when I started.  They were chewed by my sisters pet mice years ago and I couldn't bring myself to throw such a nice cable sweater away.



 I cleaned the holes up by crocheting over the frayed parts with similar colored yarn.  Then I put some crochet flowers I made out of embroidery thread in the holes, and stitched the petals into the holes.

I also fixed the seam on the cuff...just held the sides together and back-stitched it like new.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

ML Pony Chibi: Rainbow Dash

 Just finishing the eyes, needs a mane and tail.
 Here's the mane and tail on.

Just needs a cutie mark, some wings and she'll be done soon.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Just Found in Myspace

 Seed Stitch Baby Blanket For My Cousin
 My Patternless Attempt at a Pumpkin Knit Hat for Adults
 David Patiently Modelling the Hat
 Red Messenger Bag...I love this one.
 Thread Crochet Navy Bean Spheres
 Escaped Chain Chomp Hat 2009

Thanks Regina DeMauro for the Pattern
Me in 2006 with a wool hat I crocheted, again, no pattern.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Possible For Mayfaire: Renaissance Faire on the Holland Patent Common

 Rose Crochet and Knit Head-wrap

The leaf and stem is knitted and the flower is crochet.  They're good as bookmarks (book thongs) too, so you can use them aside from costume purposes, all year round.


Scottish Thistle Head-wrap

I love these two little pocket-friend vipers.  I made them inspired by Blake's "The Sick Rose"...but they are way to cute to be bad guys.

 This collar is sort of steam punky, but a lacy version would be more era appropriate.  The glasses...really make the difference.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Commission Work


"How do I tell more ball of yarn and we lose the apartment?"
 Things I have made on request: 
Broomstick Lace Neck-warmers

Nylon Purses

Cotton Kitchen Dishcloths
Baby Pumpkin Costume

Nylon Net Rose Dish Scrubbie

The Turtle Hat:  Can be a Hat and a Neck-warmer but Not Both at Once
Cat Hats
Evil Cutes and Good Cutes

Paper Weights:  Thread Crochet River Stones

Granny Bags

"How do I get more craft coupons?"


Cell Phone/Remote Lace Cozies

 One Size Fits Most
 One Button Messenger Bags

Morning Glory Cotton Bath Mitt

Hot Water Bottle Cover
  Bolero Sweater

Friday, January 31, 2014

MAKING PLARN with my friend the YARDSNAKE

 Take your bags, lay them flat and fold them into fourths with the handle of the bag at the top and the end seal of the bags below.
 Slice the bottom off of the bag as neatly as you can as close as you can, so you have more loops later on.  You're going to need a lot of bags, and the logo will show as a distorted color once you are done.  If you are a neat freak, or a purist, figure out how to get rid of the logos, copyright laws, safety restrictions for children, company information and the gratitude marks by yourself.  Or the yard snake will eat you.
What you are looking for with plarn is even cuts that are about 1 and a quarter inch thick.  If you make these cuts to thin, your plarn will be weak.  If you make them inconsistently, your plarn will be bumpy.  If you make them thick, your plarn will be to large to work with in a way that is comfy.  If you spin your plarn with a drop spindle (some people make time for that step but you do not have to), you will not get good results if your loops are all weird.  What you want is even, consistent cuts that are about the same.  You want many, many loops.  Join the loops together with the larks head knot, aka. when you put loops through each other and pull slightly. Twenty bags make enough for a small ball of plarn to try to practice with.

 Ignore my foot in this picture.  Because the yard snake will eat you if you don't.