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Friday, May 25, 2012

Braving Hamilton College on it's 200th Birthday

I didn't want to go to Hamilton College today.  I imagined Hogwarts after the Ministry takeover having a "partay" with their pinkies up and us walking in, frumpy and ridiculously underdressed.  But it was nothing of the kind.  The place was empty except for a few nice other couples, some curious chipmunks, and squirrels who jump like dolphins; gratuitously and for no other reason but to look good.  Root Glen is awesome.  After you get over the location, it's actually really nice.

 Here's Dave starting out in the front part of the garden.  I was like, "We'll just look at some peonies and then we're leaving".  I'm terrified of Hamilton cops, thinking about how if New York Mills cops are awful, and New Hartford mall cops are bad, Hamilton College cops must be the most seriously petty folks on the planet.  "You're not wearing tweed.  That's a $500 fine each time.", or something to that effect.  

Dave was calm and I did settle down and have a good time.

"What can cops do?", you might be wondering.  Give you a hard time.  "So?", you wonder further.

See, you're the type that gives me a hard time.


 Here's a peony.  We looked.  I'm like, yep.

But then we stayed, because there were no other people around, it was quiet, and I figured everyone had gotten drunk and went inside.


Geranium.  A normal, regular geranium.  I'm so used to the irregular kind, I forgot there were these.

Phlox.  I used to grow this when I was a kid.  Very hardy, very pretty plant with many varieties.  They all have a certain look, though.

Tulips.  In the middle of the woods with a bunch of different ferns.

I've been thinking about making crochet daisy-chains.  Something you could wear on your head for a wedding or a necklace.  Something kind of low key, though. I can't stand screaming weirdness (steam punk) because I came out of the earth tone crazed 90's.  I saw these and was happy they looked so healthy and flourishing.

These were the first people we saw, there, over my right shoulder.  They minded their own business and did not ask me if I was the supervisor.  They did not ask to lend or borrow DVDs or CDs.  They did not ask me if I worked there, had kids, a job, was married or divorced, liked candy, was vegan or believed in the propagation of vicious human evil.  They did not sell, they did not want to buy, there were no songs of our respective people sung or music played, there was not even "Hi.", but merely some nods to politely acknowledge our existence.  I was relieved.  

More Peonies

Somehow, a tree with miniature tiger lillies?
Me, in Hemlock/Tulip Patch

Here's Dave down at the end of the path with all the bridges.  I like this path, because there's no guard rails to insult your intelligence.  No Disney, my family and I are not cattle, thank-you, absence of guard rails.

And the path is a really pretty color.  They all have gutters now, so you could go on a rainy day.  They all lead down to the ravine under the bridges.

There's a pine going out of there that made the sunlight look dramatic.  I'm so glad we went.